Learning To Fly Without Wings

That's all I'm trying to do. So here's to those who helped in this, you're just another out-of-school lesson. All I can say is, thanks because now I know a little more about serviving here. So, go ahead, pat yourself on your back for your misdeeds!

Friday, July 30, 2010

I know it's wrong...

For me to still be mad, but I am. Sure, I can pretend to be over for the sake of keeping the peace, but deep down I still feel betrayed. It's like saying you agree..only ten times worse. It's like saying you care more about him. Sure, sure, sure, I won't say anything more about it to you...just to keep peace. Don't worry, I'm starting to realize the fact that you hate how...puppy doggish I act. You didn't hate it about Liz, did you? You hated it about me. No worries, dear, I hate it too. You never ask why I do it, barely act like you care, just tell me to quit. Don't ask what goes on in this crazy head. I probably won't tell you, but I swear to you that half the time, I hate myself.

So, whether I stand strong or fall because I can no longer struggle to my knees, my feet, I am the sweet calamity and poison that survives in your world. You say you worry when I take another slice, yet it's still obvious you don't care. "Pretty much everyone cuts." Stupidest. Part. Of. A. Sentence. You've. Sent. Me.

Over the past year, one in five females and one in seven males have engaged in some form of self-injury type behavior. (gotted from here)

Cutting statistics show that 1% of Americans participate in self-injury. (keep in mind this includes some eating disorders) Estimates show that 1 in every 200 girls between 13 and 19 cut themselves regularly.(gotted from here)

No, our school is just stupid/unlucky to have, at least four in the school. Cutting isn't some trend. "Pretty much everyone cuts." Was that suppose to make me feel comforted or make it so I want to? If you weren't my friend and I ACTUALLY thought you were that stupid, I would tell you to go choke on glass.
Don't ask, I randomly got super ticked off about that.

You're my best friend, and I trust you with my life, but there are somethings I just don't want to tell you. Thank goodness you don't ask. I need to feel loved, but lately the only love I seem to feel is none. Did you know? I don't cry anymore unless something is really killing me. Let's just say...it was cut out.

Since we're doing statistics anyway, here are some more...

An estimated 10 – 15% of people with anorexia or bulimia are males

20% of people suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems

95% of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25

50% of girls between the ages of 11 and 13 see themselves as overweight

These came from here

40% of 9-year-old girls have dieted

Only 1 in 10 people with an eating disorder will receive treatment and out of this number 80% do not receive treatment at the intensity they need to recover.

These came from here

Okay, I'll quit with the statistics. Seriously, "Pretty much everyone does it". No, just because you decided to slice open your ankles does not mean that. I know that if I was anorexic and you were too and you decided to tell me, I would freak out. I don't care if that would mean you call me a hypocrite.
This is gonna get me yelled at, but...is that why you liked being at his place? He kept you moving and didn't expect you to eat much? While at my place we expect you to eat and won't let you work it all off?
Perhaps, I'm just possessive of you? But after what we've been through? Whatever. I'm gonna date someday and one of the things that they'll have to do to be my whatever is be nice to my friend. Meaning no dating them after they tell my "Best" friend that killing themselves is doing the world a huge favor.
So, why refuse church camp? I'm more than slightly sure that everyone's given up on me. You, me, my parents, my family, everyone. I'm depressed, nothing sticks in my head anymore, life seems to be getting worse. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that everyone realizes what I am. Fake. Hypocritical. Broken. Lying. Worthless. No, this isn't a suicide note. Gosh.
My birthday. Yeah, I getting everything out there. Seriously, you didn't really seem to want to be there. Say so next time and I'll know not to invite you. I can deal with spending my birthday alone. Honestly. It was amazing, having to go with just my mom and brother and it being cut short because my brother was ready to got. It was amazing just like the sarcasm put into the sentence. It's nice to know that the one friend who went to my birthday party decided to see her boyfriend first. I was only turning fourteen, nothing important, nearly everyone in our grade has already done it. Nothing special just like me. Right, dear? Naturally.
Today....felt like a slap in the face. Have fun? I decided to stay longer. ..............oh. Force the smile as I reply to the text. What did I even say? Something along the lines of text me when you get done. Though I didn't really want to talk to anyone anymore. I just wanted to know how much longer you stayed. Then when I did the math, it bugged me all day. An hour and ten minutes longer than you spent with me. Over three hours of not talking to me, of not caring whether I was alive or dead. Over three hours where I practically did not exist. Sure, that may not be true but it's how I saw it.
Have fun? I decided to stay longer. ..................oh.

yawn. Have fun? Wait-why am I asking? Of course you did.
You did decide to be there two hours longer, making it obvious.

Have fun, Calamity?
No, I feel like I'm still letting everyone down.
Have fun, Calamity?
No, I know I'm gonna make her mad again.
Have fun, Calamity?
No, I feel like betrayal.
Have fun, Calamity?
No, I feel worthless.
Have fun, Calamity?
No. Just shut up.

Sorry, brief moment of craziness. By the way, this is just a huge rant.
It's just, half the things that we DON'T talk about that I can shrug off at the moment are the things that come back and choke me later. I feel mentally exhausted now.

Some favorite lyrics:

I'm so tired of being here, suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave
My Immortal By Evanescence

These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
My Immortal by Evanescence

She's glad for one day of comfort
Only because she has suffered
Fully Alive by Flyleaf

Ignorance is bliss cherish it
Pretty neighborhoods
You learn too much to hold
Believe it not
And fight the tears
With pretty smiles and lies
About the times
So I Thought by Flyleaf.

Fine, fine, I'll stop typing. I've basically just been typing everything and I shouldn't. Sorry for the feelings I've hurt. Night.

Your sweet Calamity.

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