Learning To Fly Without Wings

That's all I'm trying to do. So here's to those who helped in this, you're just another out-of-school lesson. All I can say is, thanks because now I know a little more about serviving here. So, go ahead, pat yourself on your back for your misdeeds!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just For Echo.

Echo, the timing was bad because you made it bad. You asked him out. It wasn't "Oh, he asked me out and I've liked him for a while." How would you know that I would be ticked if you had waited a year? Honestly, I'm not ticked at him anymore. I'm ticked that someone I thought was my best friend decided that four days after her faggot told me, word for word, "You know what Lexi drop dead. Go kill yourself I don't care. You would be doing the world a huge favor. This whole time I have felt horrible about myself. And you don't give a shit. I could die tonight and you wouldn't care.." Yeah, I should totally be supportive of you dating someone like this. Actually, since I'm not your best friend and am meaningless to both of you, I am happy for you.
I totally never thought they would get together! I'm soo uber happy for both of them! I hope they spend many hours together, pointing out every one of their flaws to each other. Oh, wait, it was just me that they pointed out my flaws to.
BUT I have to honestly address this:
And I am sick of it and so is Echo. She also said you are jealous because she talks to me more than you.

At the time, I honestly denied being jealous, but since I was her best friend, yeah, I was jealous she spoke to someone more than she spoke to me. You know why I stopped acting like a best friend, Echo? You didn't make me feel like I was your best friend. "I'm more comfortable with him." And you also said you trusted him more than me. You know, I thought I would miss you, spend nights crying myself to sleep like I did with Matt-senpai when she left, but still no tears or missing you. This whole thing has been like a slap in the face, over and over. I would rather move on with my life, so if you follow my blog, don't...and lose my number. While I was trying hard to not be ticked off at you for thinking he's the coolest thing next to Antarctica, Taylor was magically making me feel better, making me want tell her everything about. I didn't ever tell you everything about me because I felt that you would tell him and he would just use it to hurt me. Honestly, if you had waited about a year from that Friday, I wouldn't have cared, but you waited until Tuesday. Man, totally makes you seem like a best friend.

The timing was bad because you made it bad. You asked him out, not the other way around. So, in the words of your oh so great boyfriend, drop dead. I don't care if this makes you wanna try to save face by saying you're sorry. I'm sick of the drama YOU purposely cause. Maybe this didn't start when you started dating him. You did talk to him more, so I guess apparently you told him you're sick of me before your "I NEED A MAN!!!" senses kicked in.

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